
Showing posts from November, 2016


Perfumes and colognes are scents that men and women wear to enhance their beauty or even attract a potential mate. They can lift a mood, evoke fond memories, or just simply help you smell really good. You know that there are some people that they just always smell really good, like the smell become a second skin and a signature. In fact, wearable scents have become a multi-billion-dollar-per-year business. However, how will you know you are choosing the right perfume or an authentic one? Not to worry, these are some of the questions this post will answer and provide you with some perfume terminologies.


I know there are times you see some women and they are always on top of their game, like they never crack or smudge and eyebrow,their dress is always looking prim and well tailored and whatever they wear, they always look stylish. I have always wondered myself and I decided to do some study and I came up with these 5 tips and here we go. #1 FOLLOWING TREND FOR THE SAKE OF IT Like every other week, a new fashion trend and statement make an emergence and you are sitting there wondering on how to even keep up. Stylish women don’t get overwhelmed with the newest trends, they don’t allow themselves to be moved with the tides of fashion without been the judge of what fits them or not. They see what is in vogue but are in total control of whether it fits their shapes, colours or personality. #2 DRESSING FOR OTHERS Stylish women don’t dress for others to admire them especially men, they dress for their own pleasure and happiness. Looking for happiness from others will one