Happy new year all, though this is coming on the eleventh day of the year, it is still a new year for you and I .

Writing has been a difficult thing for me these past few months, like I have not been inspired to write anything and I feel so bad about that. I find myself picking my laptop,opening the page and suddenly go blank. I have tons of ideas to write for the blog but find it hard to even start the first line of a post not to talk of finishing and editing the post.

This has been my struggle for quite some time now and I'm still battling with it. I don't know if it laziness, too much ideas or what some call writers block or bloggers block. The feeling is draining and makes me feel unaccomplished.

I was sitting quietly, reading a novel this morning and it struck me that today is the eleventh day of the month and I'm yet to post anything, not even the shortest of article. I search through my blog post plans and couldn't decide on which post to pick. I suddenly found myself putting down my thoughts on this issue.

The year has blessed me with a new canvas, a blank page, a fresh start and I'm yet to take a hold of it. I don't even know where to start because I am overwhelmed with so much to do and wish to accomplish before the year runs out on me again. This level of feeling  has somehow crippled my mind and movement. I suddenly realized that I have given in to fear, anxiety and procrastination.

To move out of this deep hole is now a big issue for me. I wish to take every opportunity that comes my way this year to a whole new level. I want to maximize every thing and give it my best but how can I do that. How can I soar so high without being afraid of heights.The "how" is endless. Now, I don't even know "how" to end this post.

When I finally get my groove back, I hope it won't be too late to salvage the blog page, the relationships, the opportunities and above all the nagging ideas.

I really don't mind getting feedbacks on how to go about the issues. Thanks...


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