7 foods to help fight stress

Deadlines are inevitable in the crazy-busy life of every productive person and so is the stress that comes along with it. So, if you’re feeling stressed with all the deadlines you have to meet, fight back with these top foods to relieve you of the tension and stress.

  Leafy Green Vegetables
Most of us go for fast food whenever we are stressed and running late on deadlines, we all tend to do the convenience food, choose to go green. Green leafy veggies are rich in folate, which produces dopamine (the brain chemical responsible for releasing pleasure-inducing hormones). In general, experts have agreed that choosing to eat green veggies can bring about more positive feelings than opting for fast food.

Milk  is not only rich in calcium, but also vitamins B2, B12, protein, potassium and antioxidants—all of which have been ascertained  to help fight insomnia when we  consume it warm and before bedtime. This in-turn leads to renewed energy in the morning after a good night’s rest.

      Dark Chocolate 
I’m sure you know how dark chocolate is commonly used as a stress cure. It has been proven to work against stress as found in a 2009 Swiss study. Choose a dark chocolate with energy-boosting almonds and you’ll be off in a better mood. Please dish the sweet fattening ones for your dear health.

Anytime you’re making smoothie, make sure to include a ripe banana as it contains potassium, which aids in lowering the blood pressure. Another option is to add unsweetened cocoa powder, which releases the dopamine your body needs to feel calm and re-energized.

Avocados are rich in glutathione, which block fats that can cause an oxidative damage in your body. It has more folate than any other fruit as well as vitamin E, beta-carotene and lutein—all of which work to provide your body with feel-good hormones.

We all know that oatmeal is rich in fiber, which aids in the digestion of food. Aside from this, the fiber in oatmeal digests slowly so it doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar levels like other fruits.

Sweet and fresh berries contain a large amount of antioxidants to curb the stress you feel, they also have vitamin C to help boost the immune system. Add berries to a cup of low-fat yoghurt, which has calcium and energizing protein, to help your body to release some feel-good neurotransmitters.


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