10 things to make your weekend splendid

The weekend is known for relaxation from the hurtling and bustling of the week, and I know quite a number of us just want to chill and lazy around in the house. Well you can do that or just add a little bit of fun for the utmost pleasure and bask in the euphoria of the weekend, that is if you  don't have an owambe event to attend...lool

*Visit Friends:  Spending time with your friends can be a hard one during the week, so organize to meet with them and spend the day talking, munching and having fun.

*Visit a Zoo or Wildlife Reserve: This might sound funny, but watching animals do their thing can be refreshing to an extent, as long as you stay safe.Visiting a local zoo or wildlife center is a terrific way to spend an afternoon.

*Cook: Make a meal or bake or make an attempt to... go on pinterest or lifehack.com for d.i.y's and recipes, get you hands dirty in the kitchen. This is definitely a relaxing therapy.

*See a movie: Go to the movies or watch it on Netflix.com, it is a very cheap online streaming video service.

*Surf the internet for a new topic: Search Wikipedia for a new insight for some new knowledge,  pick a random topic and you can spend hours finding out fascinating facts.

*Have a Board Game Day: Want a break from the internet? try these classics :Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Chess, Checkers, Battleship, or Snakes and Ladders.

*Go for shopping: Only do this if you can afford it, don't go spending the money you don't have much at the moment. In case you have it , add a new item to your wardrobe, but a shoe works best for though.

*Get a massage: Get a full body massage and treatment in a spa to remove all the tension from your body and for relaxation

*Go to various clubs once in a while to listen to upbeat music, dance, let loose and meet other people with similar interests.

This last one is an unusual thought that just came to my mind...but am sure people do it

* Dress up nicely and go to a mall (shoprite) to be precise, go window shopping and make a mental list of what you are getting next.  You might even find a cute girl or guy to make friends with....loool


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