Mothers!!! Few life hacks to help become a" Wonderwoman"

Being a mother is one of the most amazing thing that ca ever happen to a woman, it gives you the joy that you are creating anothe life inside of you, you are responsible for your child or children welfare, the joy of being their "wonder woman" and most especially, the butterfly feeling you get when they say "I love you mum"...

However, there are days  you are overwhelmed by just being a mother, you want to lock yourself up or just go on a vacation without the kids... hahaha... sorry to burst your bubbles. once a mother, forever a mother.

To help your kids and you to stay connected, here are few life hacks for you.

Make them friendly bracelet with your phone number on it – This would make finding them easier if they wondered off. To help you kids learn your number off-hand and make them feel like "my mum made a cute bracelet for me"...

The dropper looking pacifier- Use a pacifier to give your babies medicine by sticking a dropper through an already cut pacifier.

Shoe Stickers- This will teach them how to wear their shoes correctly and also have fun while at it, put a sticker that has been cut in half on shoes inner soles.

Pacifiers should be kept in clean container- Before throwing that lovely looking pacifier in your baby's bag, please put them a a clean container to avoid germs going into your baby's mouth.

Put a stop sign at the bottom of the toilet paper- This will prevent your kids from pulling too much toilet paper.

The shoe size issue- While I was growing up, my mumwill use a broom stik to measure my foot whenever she is going to get me a shoe and didn't want to take me with her, it was always funny to me but it worked. Now, you can try a new method, use a thick cardboard or carton to draw out your kid’s feet when you going to the market to buy shoes.

Don’t freak out when they mess up their rooms- just tell them there is a reward if they cleaned up the room,You could also make it game time – any game that will get the items off the ground and in their right places. 


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